A Few of our Artists

“Painted Bins aligned beautifully with our goal of helping students become environmental stewards of our planet. They took the information they learned and shared it with their families, and were eager to apply and share their knowledge through their art.”

— Neil Cummins Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher: Liza Mathews, M.Ed

“My daughter loved being a part of this [Painted Bins] poster contest and has felt inspired by the sustainability learning she has experienced the past few years at Neil Cummins. [She] used her knowledge of poetry, and what she knew about composting and being a community member to create her poster. [It was a] cross-curricular project that she loved!”

— Katie Paulsen, Parent of 3rd Grader at Neil Cummins Elementary School

Emilie Paulsen at the Corte Madera Invitational Art Exhibition