Cove Kids Composting Speech
Gio - Hi, I’m Gio and I have 2 friends Reuben and Priya, who will be speaking with me. We are in 5th Grade at Cove School.
Composting is important for so many reasons. One is it helps soil. Did you know that just a bag of soil costs about $15-20 now? Now you see one way that composting helps the earth AND saves us money. Reuben, why do think composting is important?
Building on what Gio said, compost is great for soil because it enriches the soil with wonderful nutrients. Think of the fruits we eat, don’t you want them to have healthy soil to grow in? Priya, what do you think about composting?
Priya: Composting is great because it’s a cycle - you eat food, then you throw your old food into the compost bin, after that it gets broken down into soil, and finally, the soil is used to grow new food! As you see, composting is an awesome cycle so let’s all do it!
Thank you!
Gio, Ruben and Priya, 5th grade, The Cove School, Corte Madera, CA
To learn more about composting, please visit