If You Don’t…Nobody Will

 You might be wondering, why is food sorting so important? Sorting food can be very beneficial to all of the plants and animals. For example, if someone were to throw away their bag of chips in the compost, then the plastic material used breaks down into objects so small that it’s impossible to completely vanish. As you may know, we are trying our hardest to remove as much plastic as possible from Earth because of the negative impacts it has brought us. So let’s all do our part to help the environment. Thank you. 

Mia Nilforoush, age 11, 6th grade at Del Mar Middle School, Tiburon, CA 

Given as a speech at the Painted Bins Art Unveiling in Tiburon, CA on September 17, 2023

To read more about What the Kids are Saying about taking care of our Earth, click here.




Sort Your Food Waste


What Inspires Me